Recognition Lapel Pins

Logo of a muscular cartoon figure with a red feathered headdress, holding a tomahawk and football. Text reads Lemont Indians over an outline of a U.S. state, alongside an emblem featuring recognition lapel pins and a feathered spear.

Recognition lapel pins can be given out at different times throughout the year, depending on the type of organization. For example, non-profits may give out these types of pins during fund raising events, charity balls or other formal settings. Some examples of possible pins are ones for reaching different donation levels, and hours or years of service for your volunteers. Other types of recognition could include employee of the month, receiving positive customer feedback, passing mystery shopper tests, or any other item which you want to formally recognize.

Recognition Lapel Pins Are an Affordable Option for Employee Recognition Programs

In the past, organizations had extra money where they could afford to spend large sums on employee recognition programs. Today, with changes to our economy, that is often no longer the case. Some organizations have even done away with recognition programs because of the expense. However, this is not a good idea, as recognition programs can be used as a tool to keep your employees motivated. When there is not a formal program in place, you may start to notice your top performers slacking off, because they do not see the need in working harder than other average co-workers. Often, their attitude is that they no longer see the point in working harder since there are no rewards for outstanding performances and achievements. One affordable option for your organization may be to start to offer recognition lapel pins. Most of the time, it is not the cost of the reward given out, but the thought behind it, and being formally recognized in front of the employee’s co-workers.